[ale] Inquiry: Asterisk Install Fest April 28th at Georgia Tech

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Thu Mar 22 14:03:52 EDT 2007

> The purpose of this message is to ask AtlAUG and ALE members to check
> their calendars and respond if they will attend on that date. We don't
> want to confirm the date with GTISC or publicize the event unless we have
> a good core of attendees and volunteers from our groups.

We (me and a major client of mine) just installed 
AsteriskNOW, with PolyCom IP Phones.. and so far, everything is 
working so well it's scary. Got Ekiga Softphone working on some Ubuntu 
laptops and desktops as well. 

There is a 50% chance that I'll make it.. in a mode to help beginners
and learn advanced tricks. 


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