[ale] OT fairtax isn't

Matt Kubilus mattkubilus at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 16:32:52 EDT 2007

I won't go into how bad of an idea the prebate is, but it goes to show
that the people proposing this don't understand the lower class.  A
better solution would be no-tax on food, %22 on goods, with no max tax
cap.  Currently items are taxed for the first $7000 only.  So someone
buying that used toyota pays as much sales tax as someone buying a
yaht.  Keep an eye on who makes the rules and which classes have the
power to make the rules.


On 3/16/07, Greg Freemyer <greg.freemyer at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/16/07, Matt Kubilus <mattkubilus at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 3/16/07, Jeff Lightner <jlightner at water.com> wrote:
> > > Well we'll have to agree to disagree.
> > >
> > > Confusing because of "prebates".   I don't see the need.  If you only
> > > make $1000 a year you pay significantly less than someone making
> > > $1,000,000.
> > >
> >
> > But the tax for the person making $1000 is going to reduce the ability
> > of the destitute to buy bread, whereas tax on the person making
> > $1,000,000 reduces their ability to buy a 17th BMW.  It's a question
> > of what is just in a society.  Do citizens have a basic right to the
> > necessities of life in the wealthiest nation in the world, or do
> > citizens have the right to sit on 'their' pile of cash and watch the
> > nations infrastructure crumble around them.
> >
> > What has anyone figured that this sales tax economy will cost per
> > dollar.  Tennessee (no state income tax) has a %9.75 tax on all goods,
> > food or BMW.  Georgia income tax is about a fourth of the state income
> > tax, so round about %50 on all goods.  That's going to be some
> > expensive milk and cheese, let me tell you.
> IIRC, it is about 22% for the Feds, but with low-income people getting
> a prebate equal to 22% of their income, so they effectively continue
> to not pay taxes.
> Greg
> --
> Greg Freemyer
> The Norcross Group
> Forensics for the 21st Century
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