[ale] Networking implementation question

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Sun Mar 11 14:26:29 EDT 2007

One thing I would do is segment all the kid systems away from your
normal network.  Use a Linksys wireless router with a static IP address
on your network.  Then run squid on a computer and make sure that no
machine on that segment can bypass squid.  Simply deny access to the
Internet from the Linksys's WLAN address.  

On Squid block EVERYTHING and create a policy in your household where
they need to request access to a site to be placed in the squid list.
This will block many legit things like ads, images, etc but it is easier
to block everything than to try and figure out what is good and what is
bad.  If they are doing homework and need access to a site simply add it
to the list. 

Make sure your machine which has full access to the net is "off limits".

as your child gets older you will need to employ more techniques to keep
them from trying to get around your safeguards.  Maybe not allow DHCP on
your network and then only allow certain MAC addresses through the
firewall.  If you have a son he will get creative as his hormones start
flowing and try to find any avenue out that he can.  Think of this as a
great exercise for you and his determination will be a great learning
experience for him :)

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