[ale] dead keyboard (configuration problem)

David Corbin dcorbin at machturtle.com
Tue Mar 6 21:34:06 EST 2007

A co-worker is running Kubuntu. ?He's "done something" to create the following 

After he logs in, his keyboard will not work (for anything. ?CTRL-ALT-F1 does 
not switch consoles, CTRL-ALT-DEL will not reboot). ?But he's able to use it 
fine in the console (in "recovery mode") and to log in with (it is a 
graphical login).

A quick glance at his xorg.conf says the keyboard is configured right, and the 
file hasn't been changed for months.

I'm stumped. ?Any ideas?
David Corbin
Games, Gamers, Gaming - a blog - http://g3.machturtle.com

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