[ale] Comcast problems?

George Carless kafka at antichri.st
Thu Mar 1 23:14:27 EST 2007


Is anyone else experiencing issues with comcast?  I'm not exactly sure 
what's going on, but attempts to access Web pages are failing.  
Everything appears to work fine for a few minutes, and then kaput.  The 
slightly odd thing is that existing connections (such as the ssh session 
from which I'm writing this email) stay up, but new connections fail.  
It seems to be a cyclical thing, though - i.e. it'll work for a few 
minutes, then stop working for a few, then start working again...

My first thought was that it was a DNS issue, but attempts to access 
sites by ip address fail as well.

Any thoughts?  Or could this be a problem with my router / vonage / 
something else?

George Carless ... kafka at antichri.st
Words are just dust in deserts of sound

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