[ale] NSA & AT&T spying on U.S. citizens

Jim Popovitch yahoo at jimpop.com
Fri Jun 29 22:04:09 EDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-06-29 at 20:39 -0400, Michael B. Trausch wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-06-29 at 20:03 -0400, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> > I remember when the EFF was fighting to allow un-restricted access
> > to
> > pornography on the Internet.  Respected?  Who's circles? 
> Well, perhaps you'll take back taking back your comment regarding my
> HTML mails... but the EFF's fight are to increase the rights of the
> people it defends. 

Ask yourself this:  If there were no longer a need to defend people's
rights, would the EFF shutdown and quit paying themselves and their
lawyers?  To some extent, you have to admit, they exist to further their
own cause(s).

Again, please don't mis-understand me, the EFF has and will continue to
do good.... but they lend no automatic credibility to a case simply
because they take up the cause.   Here's wishing them the best in their
causes, but they haven't put enough information and facts out there yet
to convince me their NSA case is worthwhile.   I personally feel that
they are rallying around this cause simply because the need to be
rallying around something.

-Jim P.

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