[ale] CSS And HTML mail

Michael B. Trausch michael.trausch at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 11:04:34 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-06-28 at 10:53 -0400, James Taylor wrote:

> HTML-only emails are the kiss of death for any vendor that wants to
> deal with me.
> I'm sure I keep a lot of Fortune 500 companies up late worrying about
> this... 

It surprises me that any mailer supports the sending of HTML-only mail.
Indeed, Outlook Express, Outlook, and some server software known as Jive
all strip the text/plain part out of messages by default for some odd

Personally, though, the features that are available with HTML mail (when
used correctly) can provide a much better reading experience than
plain-text e-mail.  Of course, non-technical computers users think that
HTML mail is supposed to be used to make thing big, bold, neon, and
PINK, which is utterly annoying.  But, there is no harm in HTML mail as
long as the recipient's machine doesn't permit scripting in mail.  If
mailers had half the support for XHTML 1.0 that Internet Explorer does,
it'd be that much better, even.  I'd be all for XML mail if that meant
that I could send an XHTML 1.0+MathML message body to someone.  That
would be absolutely awesome... but for some reason, mailer technology
has always been behind the curve, not worried about message size or
presentation/content separation for HTML messages.

But, HTML is kind of like Unicode---it is here, and it isn't going
anywhere.  And just like Unicode, used properly it can enhance
accessibility and readability and get the job done far better.  But,
most non-technical users have no clue what it takes to make a readable
message.  They just want it to look pretty.

    --- Mike

Michael B. Trausch
           michael.trausch at gmail.com
Phone: (404) 592-5746
                          Jabber IM:
           michael.trausch at gmail.com
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