[ale] Heya folks! Any suggestions for a geek movingto/near Atlanta?

William Bagwell rb211 at tds.net
Sun Jun 10 12:47:06 EDT 2007

On Sunday 10 June 2007 11:35 am, Jeff Lightner wrote:
> Also you wouldn't be the only one sporting the Darwin fish - but you're 
> more likely to see the "Truth" fish that eats the "Darwin" fish. ? The 
> regular "Jesus" fish however is the one you'll see most often.

Heh, never noticed a "Truth" fish myself so I went surfing. Unreal how many 
diffrent little 'fishies' are out there! Some funny, some vulgar... 
Here's one I think we all can agree on. 

Oh well, back to your regularly scheduled flame war;-)

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