[ale] HTML Mail (was: Re: ink expired?!?!?)

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Fri Jan 12 20:02:40 EST 2007

On Fri, 2007-01-12 at 18:29 -0500, Pete Hardie wrote:
> IMNSHO, all the HTML mail does is add hooks for people to add useless
> things - like backgrounds, animations, and the dreaded color text,
> which is fine by itself, but at my work, they discourage use of the
> color printer, and so I can't *see* the neat red or blue highlights if
> I print out the message. 

And they will not work well with Mutt.  I've got links integrated so
that it will dump the good stuff of HTML out so I can use Mutt with HTML

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