[ale] Intel wireless driver with suse 10.1

Tejus Parikh tejus at vijedi.net
Sun Jan 7 22:56:09 EST 2007

Hey alers,

I just reinstalled suse 10.1 on one of my laptops and I'm having  
trouble getting the built-in Intel wireless driver to work. Dmesg has  
an error about they system being unable to load the firmware.  I put  
the driver's firmware files in /lib/firmware, but it doesn't seem to  
be able to load them from there.  Some googling suggested looking in  
/etc/hotplug/firmware.agent or putting the files in  
/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware, but neither of these directories exist.   
There's no hotplug directory under sysconfig either.

I think I'm missing some of the hotplug sub-system, but I have no idea  
where to find the missing peices.  Any help would be greatly  


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