[ale] moving /var

Robert Story rstory-l at 2006.revelstone.com
Tue Feb 20 15:12:19 EST 2007

On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 12:21:18 -0500 Christopher wrote:
CF> 1.  Go into SU mode
CF> 2.  Create tarball of /var. 
CF>     tar --same-owner -cjpsvf /tmp/var.tar.bz2 /var
CF> 3.  Make new FS
CF> 4.  edit fstab to include new FS on /var
CF> 5.  Mount /dev/XXX onto /var
CF> 6.  untar the file created in #2
CF>     cd /var; tar --same-owner -xjpsvf /tmp/var.tar.bz2

If you want to minimize downtime, use rsync instead of tar. What I'd do:

1. Make new FS
2. Mount /dev/XXX /mnt/tmp
3. initial sync: rsync -aH /var /mnt/tmp
4. reboot to single user
5. Mount /dev/XXX /mnt/tmp
6. single user sync to catch modified files: rsync -aH /var /mnt/tmp
7. edit fstab to include new FS on /var
8. Unmount /mnt/temp and /var
9. mount -a

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