[ale] Hit Counter

Terry Bailey terry at bitlinx.com
Tue Feb 13 22:06:55 EST 2007

Sure.  Here it is.  Solving the problem would be nice.

# number.pl
# (C) 1994 Eugene E. Devereaux
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
# and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is granted
# provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies.
# It s provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
# Purpose: This CGI script provides an easy way to keep track of HTML
#          page accesses.
# Installation: 1) This script must be placed in the CGI-bin directory
#               2) Locate number.val file to fit your directory structure.
#                  The file can be called anything and must have a mode
#                  of 777. Each reference from HTML should have a unique
#                  file.
#               3) Add a tag to the html page that you want to count
#                  accesses on. Something like
#                   <IMG src="htbin/number.tcl/path/number.val>
#               4) Change /path/number.val for every HTML reference.

$LOCH_SH = 1;
$LOCH_EX = 2;
$LOCH_NB = 4;
$LOCH_UN = 8;

sub lock {
   flock(FVAL, $LOCH_EX);
sub unlock {
   flock(FVAL, $LOCH_UN);

sub get_count {
  # &lock();
        || die "Can't read values file.\n";
   $i = 0;
   while (<FVAL>) {
     $elv[$i] = $_;
   close FVAL;

foreach $i (5,4,3,2,1) {
   if ($elv[$i] > 9){
       $elv[$i] = 0;
       $elv[$i - 1]++;

if ($elv[0] > 9) {
   foreach $j (0..4) {
     $elv[$j] = 0;
   $elv[5] = 1;

        || die "Can't write to values file.\n";
   foreach $i (0..5) {
     print FVAL "$elv[$i]\n";
   close FVAL;
  # &unlock();
   foreach $i (0..5) {
     $elv[$i] *= 32;

@num = (
'0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00',
'0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00',
'0xe0', '0x07', '0xe0', '0x07', '0xe0', '0x07',
'0xe0', '0x07', '0xe0', '0x07', '0x20', '0x00',
'0xf0', '0x0f', '0xf0', '0x0f', '0xf0', '0x0f',
'0xf0', '0x0f', '0xf0', '0x0f', '0x30', '0x00',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x00',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x00',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x00',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x00',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0xf0', '0x07',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0xf0', '0x0f',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
'0xf0', '0x0f', '0xf0', '0x0f', '0xf0', '0x0f',
'0xf0', '0x0f', '0xf0', '0x0f', '0xf0', '0x0f',
'0xe0', '0x07', '0xe0', '0x07', '0xe0', '0x07',
'0xe0', '0x07', '0xe0', '0x07', '0xe0', '0x0f',
'0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00',
'0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x00' );

@bmv  = (
   '0x00', '0x00', '0xe0', '0x07', '0xf0', '0x0f',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0xf0', '0x0f', '0xe0', '0x07',
   '0x00', '0x00',
   '0x00', '0x00', '0x80', '0x01', '0xc0', '0x01',
   '0xe0', '0x01', '0x80', '0x01', '0x80', '0x01',
   '0x80', '0x01', '0x80', '0x01', '0x80', '0x01',
   '0x80', '0x01', '0x80', '0x01', '0x80', '0x01',
   '0x80', '0x01', '0xe0', '0x07', '0xe0', '0x07',
   '0x00', '0x00',
   '0x00', '0x00', '0xe0', '0x07', '0xf8', '0x1f',
   '0x18', '0x18', '0x18', '0x18', '0x18', '0x1c',
   '0x00', '0x0e', '0x00', '0x07', '0x80', '0x03',
   '0xc0', '0x01', '0xe0', '0x00', '0x70', '0x00',
   '0x38', '0x00', '0xf8', '0x1f', '0xf8', '0x1f',
   '0x00', '0x00',
   '0x00', '0x00', '0xf0', '0x07', '0xf0', '0x0f',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0x00', '0x0c', '0x00', '0x0c',
   '0x00', '0x0c', '0xc0', '0x0f', '0xc0', '0x0f',
   '0x00', '0x0c', '0x00', '0x0c', '0x00', '0x0c',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0xf0', '0x0f', '0xf0', '0x07',
   '0x00', '0x00',
   '0x00', '0x00', '0x00', '0x06', '0x00', '0x0f',
   '0x80', '0x0f', '0xc0', '0x0d', '0xe0', '0x0c',
   '0x70', '0x0c', '0xf0', '0x0f', '0xf0', '0x0f',
   '0x00', '0x0c', '0x00', '0x0c', '0x00', '0x0c',
   '0x00', '0x0c', '0x00', '0x0c', '0x00', '0x0c',
   '0x00', '0x00',
   '0x00', '0x00', '0xe0', '0x0f', '0xf0', '0x0f',
   '0x30', '0x00', '0x30', '0x00', '0x30', '0x00',
   '0x30', '0x00', '0xf0', '0x07', '0xe0', '0x0f',
   '0x00', '0x0c', '0x00', '0x0c', '0x00', '0x0c',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0xf0', '0x07', '0xe0', '0x03',
   '0x00', '0x00',
   '0x00', '0x00', '0x20', '0x00', '0x30', '0x00',
   '0x30', '0x00', '0x30', '0x00', '0x30', '0x00',
   '0x30', '0x00', '0xf0', '0x07', '0xf0', '0x0f',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0xf0', '0x0f', '0xe0', '0x0f',
   '0x00', '0x00',
   '0x00', '0x00', '0xf0', '0x0f', '0xf0', '0x0f',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x00', '0x06',
   '0x00', '0x03', '0x00', '0x03', '0x80', '0x01',
   '0x80', '0x01', '0xc0', '0x00', '0xc0', '0x00',
   '0x60', '0x00', '0x60', '0x00', '0x60', '0x00',
   '0x00', '0x00',
   '0x00', '0x00', '0xe0', '0x07', '0xf0', '0x0f',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
   '0x60', '0x06', '0xc0', '0x03', '0xc0', '0x03',
   '0x60', '0x06', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0xf0', '0x0f', '0xe0', '0x07',
   '0x00', '0x00',
   '0x00', '0x00', '0xe0', '0x07', '0xf0', '0x0f',
   '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c', '0x30', '0x0c',
   '0xe0', '0x0f', '0xc0', '0x0f', '0x00', '0x0e',
   '0x00', '0x0e', '0x00', '0x07', '0x80', '0x03',
   '0xc0', '0x01', '0xe0', '0x00', '0x60', '0x00',
   '0x00', '0x00', );

$val_path = $ENV{"PATH_TRANSLATED"};
$i = 0;
$k = 0;
foreach $chr (0..15) {
   $j = $k;
   $k +=2;
   foreach $nv (0..5) {
     $num[$i+($nv*2)] = $bmv[$j+$elv[$nv]];
     $num[$i+1+($nv*2)] = $bmv[$j+$elv[$nv]];
   $i += 12;
   print "Content-type: image/x-xbitmap\n";
   print "\n";
print "#define number_width 96\n";
print "#define number_height 16\n";
print "static char number_bits[] =  { \n";
$i = 1;
foreach $j (0..191) {
   if ( $j eq 191 ) {
     print "$num[$j] "
   } else {
     print "$num[$j], ";
   if ($i eq 12) {
     print "\n";
     $i = 1;
   } else {
print " };\n";

At 05:57 PM 2/13/2007, you wrote:
>What the...?
>Can you post the script here? Maybe someone on the list can help divine an 
>On 2/13/07, Terry Bailey <<mailto:terry at bitlinx.com> terry at bitlinx.com> wrote:
>>I have just resurrected an old Perl script (hit counter) that worked great
>>about 10 years ago.
>>But the strangest thing now:
>>1) It works perfectly on Firefox on Windows
>>2) It will not display on Explorer on Windows
>>3) It increments by 2 using Firefox on Fedora
>>I know that people can just reload the page, so that accuracy can be off,
>>but it fits into something that I wanted to do.
>>So, unless I can resolve 2) and 3), adios old script.
>>Terry Bailey
>>Ale mailing list
>><mailto:Ale at ale.org>Ale at ale.org
>"God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going 
>on with the prime numbers." --Paul Erd?s
>"It's not possible. We are the type of people who have everything in our 
>favor going against us." --Ben Jarhvi, Short Circuit
>Ale mailing list
>Ale at ale.org
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