[ale] New scam?

Jim ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Tue Feb 13 11:04:08 EST 2007

I think I have received a new scam.   I received an unreadable 
"guard.php" attachment with this info:

Dear MI Web DNS Inc. valued Members

Regarding our new security regulations, as a part of our yearly maintenance we have provided a security guard script in the attachment.

So, to secure your websites, please use the attached file and (for UNIX/Linux Based servers) upload the file "guard.php" in: "./public_html" or (for Windows Based servers) in: "./wwwroot" in your site.

If you do not know how to use it, you can use the following instruction:

>From the looks of a google, it's a known spam/scam.  What's strange is that I think the reply-to is from one of my host providers.  Think I'll look and see who's trying to read my guard.php file.  If I thought it was a person, I'd generate a new guard.php with a nasty greeting for him.


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