[ale] [OT] Video Camera Rant/Modern Media Formats Rant

Robert Reese ale at sixit.com
Wed Feb 7 02:21:01 EST 2007

Hi Aaron,

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
On 2/6/2007 at 10:57 PM aaron wrote:

>On Tuesday 06 February 2007 15:53, Robert Reese wrote:
>> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
>> On 2/6/2007 at 2:16 PM Thompson Freeman wrote:
>> >FWIW, and because there are a number of people with varied  
>> >interests around here, anybody around here have access to  
>> >appropriate equipment that I might get these tapes  
>> >converted?
>> IIRC, there are VHS transports/converters that allow you to insert
>> a Hi-8 tape into a VHS "shell" and play it in a VCR.  I could be
>> as you noted, it's been awhile.
>Sorry... but definitely wrong. 8mm / Hi-8 / Digital-8 media is physically 
>narrower than 1/2" VHS tape, so just about every aspect of the two tape 
>formats is incompatible. You were probably thinking of VHS-C, a Compact
>shell that holds a half hour [SP] of standard VHS recording tape. The
>allows for small, inexpensive cameras and there are standard sized shell 
>adapters that allow you to play the VHS-C tapes in a standard VHS deck.

Yep, you're right on all accounts.  I actually found this out moments after I sent the email by Googling it.  I did send Thompson an offlist email immediately to let him know.

Good catch.


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