[ale] OT: newsflash: Microsoft is still the devil...open source beware

Steve Brown braino420 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 18:46:20 EDT 2007

On 8/1/07, JK <jknapka at kneuro.net> wrote:
> I'm sure PJ, the founder of Groklaw and author of that post
> (who is female, incidentally), used the word "stoopid" with
> specific intent.  She's a lawyer (or possibly a paralegal,
> I forget), and those folks generally know how to use language.
> Attributing idiomatic language to a particular group (in this
> case, the group being "clueless people who think M$ is on
> the level, in spite of much historical evidence to the
> contrary") is a rather common literary trope.
> Even if  'attributing idiomatic language to a particular group' is a
common literary trope, doesn't mean that a lawyer should go about talking
like a middle-schooler. And it sure as hell doesn't make her seem any more
professional and it makes it rather hard for me to take seriously, much less
read and come to an objective conclusion about (which obviously isn't the
intention of her writing at all).

If I wanted to see people preaching to the choir about F/OSS and calling
things 'The Devil' in a sardonic tone, I can read Digg. And that's part of
the problem, people look into the F/OSS community and they see cartoon logos
and people talking like they're in some AOL chatroom. I'm not dissing the
logos, I like them, but I'm just a Linux enthusiast who loves tinkering with
this stuff and I'm not trying to stop M$' global conquest or whatever the
zealots are calling it these days. Impersonating M$-lovers by talking like
an idiot is a terrible place to start, it reeks of immaturity and I feel
it's a step <i>back</i> for the F/OSS community.

-Steve Brown
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