[ale] Apache issue on Debian box

Billy Passauer hpassau at emory.edu
Thu Sep 21 21:27:28 EDT 2006

Jim Seymour wrote:
> Perhaps I have missed something in the docs somewhere, but I have not
> been able to figure out what is causing the following. I am running
> Apache 1.3.34 on Debian testing. I get the following in my error logs
> every time the web page is accessed:
> File does not exist: /usr/share/images/bar11.gif
> bar11.gif is in /var/www/images and is referenced in the html document
> as: 
> <img src="images/bar11.gif" width="500" height="3"
> alt="**********" /></p>
> The web page loads and displays the alt instead of the gif because
> apache can't find it. In the httpd.conf DocumentRoot is set to /var/www
> Directory permissions are at 755. What could I be missing?

Check to see if you have an "alias" set in httpd.conf like the 
following, that would be telling the server to look for /images in 
/usr/share/images instead of the starting at DocumentRoot:

Alias /images/ "/usr/share/images/"
<Directory "/usr/share/images">
   [some parameters here...]

  ... Billy ...

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