[ale] [Possibly OT] ComCast/Motorola DVR (Was: Re: MythTV and DVRs.)

Byron A Jeff byron at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Oct 5 10:29:55 EDT 2006

On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 10:05:53PM -0400, Michael B. Trausch wrote:
> Byron A Jeff wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 04:10:31PM -0400, Michael B. Trausch wrote:
> >> Paul Cartwright wrote:
> >> Which reminds me... I need to get to Wal*Mart and get a double-sided
> >> USB-A cable so that I can see if I can somehow convince my Linux box to
> >> get programs from the DVR. 
> > 
> > The only active port on the Motorola 6412 DVR is the firewire port.

> Even worse -- I have exactly zero IEEE 1394 interfaces around.  *shrugs*
>  I suppose the next logical question would be, "Does anybody have
> knowledge of what IEEE 1394 interfaces are Linux compatible, that are
> PCMCIA [is that term still used for interface cards on newer laptops?  I
> don't even know anymore...]"

I've played with Firewire ports a bit under Linux. They do work. And yes there
are Firewire PCMCIA cards. Call the Fry's and ask them about prices.

> > I've seen a couple of reports that indicates that Macs and PCs can use the
> > firewire port to record what's playing on the DVR. It occurs at real time
> > speed though, so there are no fast copies. I haven't found a post that
> > shows how to pull it off with a Linux box yet.
> I assume that "what's playing on the DVR" would mean that the FireWire
> interface would just act like a video/audio connection from a VCR, where
> it can only play from the active channel on the screen?  Is that right?

That is correct. It will also record a DVRed showed that is played back.
Be aware that there is some type of DRM scheme (5C I think its called) in
play. If a show has that DRM code attached it will not show through the
Firewire ports.

But the big problem is that there doesn't yet seem to be a mature Linux
based Digital VCR solution in place. At least as far as I could find in
my half dozen or so searches on the subject.

> > I've seen at least one post (which I don't have in front of me) that 
> > indicates that Linux can view the disk paritions from that DVR. However,
> > I don't think anyone really wants to open the box to get access.
> I would be willing to do it, if (A) it yielded results (I have no way to
> hook it up to my laptop, however), and (B) it weren't against the terms
> of the agreement with ComCast.  Suck.

(A) could be solved with a USB to IDE cable/enclosure. (B) has no hope.

Some snippage...

> Do you know, per chance, if the SATA port on the back of the unit is
> active?  If so, there might be a way to hook up a larger HD and upgrade
> the space available to it, or even use the outside drive exclusively for
> recording when attached, and that way data could be easily moved back
> and forth...

I think I saw a report that said that it was. Let me see if I can find it
right quick...

No go on that but I think I've found a WINNER!!!

In this thread:


dgenr8 points out that he used to use ddr1394 for recording via firewire
from the 6412 but that MythTV has firewire recording built in. He further
points out that he testing specifically with a Motorola 6412.

So I think we're all off to MythTV land. Where's the firewire card I bought
to get content off my digital camcorder? Hmmmm..


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