[ale] Low volume color printing

Sean Kilpatrick drifter at oppositelock.org
Sun Nov 12 10:26:27 EST 2006

On Sunday 12 November 2006 09:58, David Corbin wrote:
| Any comments on brands to avoid as Linux-unfriendly?

I have an Epson Photo 1270 that can print a wide color
gamut, but it suffers the same problem as all other ink jet
color printers: If you don't use it several times a week the
ink jets clog up and the cartridges are brutally expensive.
It is capable of gallery quality images.

I'm ready to trade it (and my HP 5mp) in for a color laser
printer that can do a "decent" job with a color photo -- I have
discovered it is much cheaper to farm out the gallery-quality
photo prints that try to print them myself.
Advice on _that_ purchase also would be appreciated.


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