[ale] Laptops and Linux

Charles Shapiro hooterpincher at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 11:02:48 EST 2006

I likes the Lenovo stuff so far, and my Cow-Orker who used to work for
Emporer Linux says they're
simple to install onto. At his recomendation I bought an R50e, put kubuntu
on it, and had minimal troubles getting the hardware to workee.  I believe
their current models are "R60"s .

But beware that I spend little time on my laptop -- mainly when I'm out of

-- CHS

On 11/3/06, Robert L. Harris <Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net> wrote:
>   I'm looking to get another laptop.  Right now I'm on a Lenovo (IBM) 3000
> N100.  Core 2 Duo, 512Meg Ram, 1.66Ghz and it's killing me.  Open Firefox,
> Amarok and an OpenOffice Spreadsheet and I can grind it to a halt for 10
> minutes.
>   I don't want to spend 2k, but any off the top of your head
> suggestions?  Any opinions of an AMD Turion vs P4?  Duo or no, etc?
> Yes, it will need to run Linux, Debian or Ubuntu.
> Robert
> :wq!
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