[ale] inode change after vi a file ?

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at comcast.net
Thu Mar 30 14:17:17 EST 2006

Confirmed on Gentoo:

jeff at jlap ~ $ date > blah; ls -i blah; vi blah; ls -i blah
16424 blah
165565 blah

Geoffrey wrote:

>Jerry Yu wrote:
>>To my surprise, the inode #  changes as long as I do ":w" inside vi.  This
>>holds true on a stock installation of CentOS 4.1 and CentOS 4.3 (equivalent
>>of RHEL 4.* AS) . Anyone knows this is a new feature? If it is a feature,
>>I'd like to learn ways to turn it off.
>>[zyu at saturn ~]$ date > blah; ls -i blah; vi blah; ls -i blah
>>688427 blah
>>692394 blah
>That's interesting.  Same thing here on SuSE.

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