[ale] Finding desktops, laptops and hardware in Atlanat

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Mar 13 16:00:29 EST 2006

Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> I'm not involved on either end of such transfers, so I have no horse in 
> that race.  But, I do know that in contract law, ambiguity counts 
> against the author. 

I do know that in contract law, generally, the one with the largest 
wallet wins.

> In any case, as a general rule, when buying computers off the used 
> market, drives need to be nuked and paved over no matter what, and if 
> the EULA language for any software you get looks anything like this, 
> where the right of transfer is limited to a certain number of times, you 
> have to assume that it's not legal to use the software. 
> Which is a good reason to not become dependent on it in the first place.

Wholeheartedly agreed.

Until later, Geoffrey

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