[ale] Alien error

joh6nn joh6nn at hotpop.com
Wed Mar 8 17:30:17 EST 2006

A LeDonne wrote:

> If you try that rpm command line again, then do 
> echo $?
> I'll bet you get an answer that is not 0. ($? is the exit status of
> the previous command.) Alien requires the rpm command to exit with a
> status 0 in order to know it was successful and continue. Someone else
> will need to jump in to help interpret whatever $? turns out to be.

$? is indeed non-0 (1, specifically, but that's not much help)

> And any exit message that ends with "failed: Success" is a real winner
> in my book.

agreed; that's a work of genius, right there.  someone needs to submit
it to thedailywtf.com

thanks for all your help.


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