[ale] load issue

David Corbin dcorbin at machturtle.com
Thu Jun 22 21:31:25 EDT 2006

On Wednesday 21 June 2006 07:49 pm, David Corbin wrote:
> I have box that is getting "loads" in the 4-5 range, but when I run top,
> it's 97.5% idle, and there are not 5 jobs that list a %CPU > 0.0.
> When I login to the box, it's very responsive.  But, when I ssh to it, I
> never get any response.  It doesn't fail, just hangs.
> This box is inside my firewall, so while it's possibly that it's been
> hacked, I think it "not likely" (and I certainly hope it hasn't been).


In addition to ssh not working, it doesn't seem to respond well to DNS queries 
(which it normally does).  But, networking in general seems to be working.

I rebooted the system, and with an hour LA had hit 4 again.  This system 
really doesn't do anything, so theres just no reason for it's LA (1, 5, 15) 
to be 4, though it didn't seem to jump 4 right after boot, but crept up.

More ideas?

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