[ale] Linux Sys Admin needed

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Thu Jun 15 08:21:10 EDT 2006

> No self-respecting Linux Sys Admin would have their resume in MS Word 
> format... :)
> Personally, I use html.

Back when I used to hire other programmers and sysadmins:
I asked for their resume as plain ASCII text. 
Weeded out the wannabe's and buzzword compliant 
resume's immediately. I got lots of Word docs 'saved as .txt'.

I hired people that could create/edit a nice looking text file. 
Especially when, in the interview, they admitted they created/edited 
it with Vim, Emacs, Pico, Joe.. 

I got told by a headhunter that was not a valid test, 
even after explaining that 75+% of a sysadmin's jobs
involved editing text files of some kind. 

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