[ale] better give up on those thinkpads for Linux...

Christopher Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Sun Jun 4 20:45:36 EDT 2006

Isn't this position the same as every other vendor.  Everyone produces
laptops that have issues with Linux and that fact has not changed.  As
far as I know I don't think anyone sells a laptop with guaranteed Linux
compatibility.  We've always been on our own in this
regard.  To me nothing has changed.  They just stated they don't plan to
make an effort for Linux compatibility.  Same thing Dell is doing.

On Sun, 2006-06-04 at 20:36 -0400, Jim Philips wrote:
> Geoffrey wrote:
> > Lenovo is going M$ only.  Check out the story...
> >
> > http://hardware.slashdot.org/hardware/06/06/04/0415221.shtml
> >   
> Yeah, I even dropped by their site to express my disappointment at their 
> lack of imagination. I'm really hoping that China can produce a computer 
> giant willing to stand up to Microsoft. Looks like Lenovo ain't "the 
> one" (references to "The Matrix" fully intended).
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