[ale] Niece's laptop

Dow_Hurst dhurst at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 31 15:34:53 EDT 2006

I've looked at dansguardian and it looks good to try since it will work on any Linux distro.  Small and useable.  I would think, Chris, that if a site you approved was hijacked, your daughter might see something that dansguardian would catch due to the phrase list checking.  Together squid and dansguardian make a powerful solution.  Thanks everyone!  I'll test this out and then if it doesn't work out well, I'll try Linspire.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Christopher Fowler <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com>
>Sent: Jul 31, 2006 2:14 PM
>To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts <ale at ale.org>
>Subject: Re: [ale] Niece's laptop
>One idea I'm thinking about for my daughter is Squid.  It does not solve
>your problem but I'm planning on using it to only allow her to visit
>sites I approve of.  If she needs to go to a new site then I will add
>that to the list on the Squid server.
>On Mon, 2006-07-31 at 12:40 -0400, Joshua Kite wrote:
>> I've played with filtering in a number of ways.  One of the better
>> solutions for MS machines is Safe Eyes.  The software has to be
>> installed on every MS machine.  Safe Eyes does offer an appliance
>> which is based on linux, but there is no linux version available, and
>> the appliance is cost prohibitive for home use. 
>> For our home I've been considering setting up a proxy through which
>> all traffic will travel using either dansguardian or censornet.  I've
>> not begun working with either of them, so I can't comment on their
>> impact on performance or their effectiveness.  It looks like censornet
>> follows the traditional URL filtering method while dansguardian
>> actually dynamically studies the page and determines whether to allow
>> it through based on bayesian filtering. 
>> Of course, both of these solutions requires setting up a proxy.  I
>> don't know whether you could set either of these could be set up to
>> run on a single machine to filter it and only it.  Even if that were
>> possible, her hardware might not be up to that sort of task. 
>> Good luck.  This is a problem all of us parents will have to face for
>> a long time.
>> On 7/31/06, Dow_Hurst <dhurst at mindspring.com> wrote:
>>         My niece has a IBM Thinkpad 770Z that had Win98 on it.  She
>>         does mainly AIM messaging and watches DVDs.  I think she
>>         browses the web some but this is thru AOL's security enabled
>>         browser that blocks most inappropriate content.  The DVD
>>         player stopped working and the machine would lock up alot.  I
>>         offered to put Linux on it and set it up for her.  Right now,
>>         I have SUSE 10.1 on it, DVDs will play, and firefox runs.  Of
>>         course it is slow, but it is useable.  However, the concern is
>>         the lack of any oversite on the browsing of the web.  The
>>         machine is pushed to the max just running 10.1 and KDE.  I
>>         tried XFCE but it is so plain that I am sure the more usual
>>         graphical environment of KDE is what my neice will use.  How
>>         can I filter out bad sites as well as AOL security center
>>         would?  Can the machine manage that and get updated on it's
>>         own somehow?  Is there a service or site that does what AOL's
>>         software does for protecting kids while browsing the web? 
>>         Kopete will manage online messaging just fine.  Abiword is
>>         fast enough for word processing for school.  Firefox is great
>>         for browsing.  I even had a wifi card from Edimax that will
>>         work well with SUSE.
>>         The machine is a PII at 366MHz with 128Mb RAM.  Has a small
>>         10Gb hard drive that is a bit noisy.  She earned the money and
>>         bought the machine herself.  I hate to say to her that I can't
>>         help and I need to put Win98 back on it with AOL's software
>>         just to please my sister and brother-in-law.  Any ideas on
>>         what would be best? 
>>         There is a Linksys wifi WRT54G router in the house she will
>>         connect thru.  I believe there is a service from Linksys for
>>         filtering web pages available there.  I'd love comments.  Even
>>         a new laptop as a gift would still need to have good filtering
>>         of web browsing.  I just can't plan on being able to manage
>>         the filter list manually as I don't have that kind of time or
>>         dedication! 
>>         Thanks,
>>         Dow
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