[ale] Newbee needing help #6

Dan Lambert danlambert at bellsouth.net
Tue Jul 18 12:04:05 EDT 2006


If you can endure twenty or so postings about voting, you can damned
sure endure six from a new guy that needs help!

If you don't want all the posts, get the list in digest form.

If we, as enthusiasts, can't help a new guy, and cut him some slack for
posting questions in WHATEVER FASHION HE CHOOSES, we need to reevaluate
our priorities as a group. That's the kind of attitude I expect from a
Microsoft techie, not a Linux enthusiast.

This whole OS, and all of the affiliated groups, are about COMMUNITY. We
all help one another to learn and progress. 

Of course, I might have made a mistake and accidentally posted this to
the MicroStinks Tech Support forum.


On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 15:47 -0400, James Sumners wrote:
> I will use your email to reply to everyone that thinks I was out of line.
> In my opinion, it would have been better for the poster to gather up
> all his questions into one well written email. Putting each question
> into its own individual email gets very annoying for those of us who
> may not be interested in answering the questions.
> I think I waited long enough to make my issue known. I didn't send my
> bitch on the third, fourth, or event he fifth email. When it hit six
> straight emails is when I decided to voice my problem with the way the
> questions are/were being asked. I'll agree that I wasn't very kind, or
> even clear, in the way I voiced it.
> As for the off topic posts. At least they are one subject per thread.
> This is the same box with all the problems. To me, that means one
> thread not six.
> (And my name is not Jim.)

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