[ale] iMac

JK jknapka at kneuro.net
Wed Jul 12 17:17:13 EDT 2006

Richard Kolkovich wrote:

> On 07/12/06 16:38, Christopher Fowler declared:


>>Are there any G3 based Live CD's where I can
>>boot up Linux to back up the HDD to an image file over the network?
> Strict boot, backup, scp/ftp of your OSX install?  Gentoo, Mandriva and
> YellowDog Linux (YDL) all have PPC installations.  I would suggest the
> Gentoo LiveCD as your best bet.  It will be lightweight, and it has all
> the essential tools for doing this (tar, ssh, ftp).
> I would almost suggest modifying the Gentoo LiveCD in such a way as it
> boots, setting up only the minimal devices, makes the backup, puts it
> where you need it and reboots automagically.  You should even be able to
> make it eject itself.  This would be a fun (oh...and useful) project...

Why not just boot OSX into single-user mode and
use scp from there?

-- JK

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