[ale] Putting wifi in the house

Steven A. DuChene linux-clusters at mindspring.com
Mon Jan 30 16:03:14 EST 2006

This morning after reading the message below I put "vtun wifi" into
google to see exactly what vtun does. The first search entry it returned
was a reference talking about

"vtun is a horribly insecure POS, with a number of well documented
and fundamental flaws that will likely never be fixed"

Just a FYI

-----Original Message-----
>From: Christopher Fowler <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com>
>Sent: Jan 30, 2006 8:54 AM
>To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts <ale at ale.org>
>Subject: Re: [ale] Putting wifi in the house
>On thing I do is use vtun but this only works in Linux.  My Linux laptop
>when it gets on our WAP it will vtun into the firewall and all traffic
>is set to go into that tunnel.  If you have Windowsthen you could use
>IPSec or poptop.
>On Mon, 2006-01-30 at 10:48 -0500, Jeff Hubbs wrote:
>> The time has come for me to get WiFi instituted at home and I need to 
>> understand what *should* be done as opposed to *what people typically do*. 
>> I have a WiFi WAP that I bought on clearance about three years ago but 
>> have only fooled around with once, and I also have a PCI WiFi card that 
>> I bought around the same time that I haven't even used.  So, I could use 
>> either the WAP or I could theoretically make one out of any number of 
>> spare machines.
>> What I would like to have happen is for our laptops to be able to "WiFi 
>> up" at home as easily as at Joe Blow's Hotspot and Cafe.  However, I 
>> also don't want to be trivially eavesdropped on or leeched off of (over 
>> the weekend, the newer laptop was finding two nearby WAPs from the 
>> living room and gave me the ESSID of one of them).  If those two 
>> concepts are not compatible, I need to know so that I can make the 
>> situation easily manageable.
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