[ale] SSH session ends immediately after authentication

Jason Day jasonday at worldnet.att.net
Mon Jan 30 10:29:10 EST 2006

On Sat, Jan 28, 2006 at 06:24:01PM -0500, Geoffrey wrote:
> Maybe the process had created some tmp files that were in the suspect 
> area of the root partition?  Is /tmp part of the root partition or a 
> separate partition?

No, /tmp is on a separate partition.  It's been running fine for 2 days
though since the badblocks check.

Jason Day                                       jasonday at
http://jasonday.home.att.net                    worldnet dot att dot net
"Of course I'm paranoid, everyone is trying to kill me."
    -- Weyoun-6, Star Trek: Deep Space 9

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