[ale] Still can't get wireless to work.

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Jan 25 09:57:23 EST 2006

Jim wrote:

> Well, iwconfig reported all that info was already set, so it got it from 
> somewhere.  I guess what I am really trying to do is get it to use 
> dhcp.  This is fine, while I'm at home, but as soon as I try to use a 
> wireless access point somewhere I'm probably stuck 'cause I can't get 
> dhcp to give me an address.
> Setting the ip address with ifconfig wlan0 ... worked 
> fine.  It is now communicating.  I guess it's that dhcp won't work with 
> this card.

Hmm, well, at least you know the hardware and drivers are working.  dhcp 
really should work, I can't see a reason why the driver would have 
anything to do with that.

Let me squeeze my pea brain a bit and see if I can come up with 
something useful.

Until later, Geoffrey

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