[ale] Bridging + Firewall

Joe Steele joe at madewell.com
Fri Jan 20 20:53:45 EST 2006

If you want to create a rule that matches a physical device associated 
with a bridge, then you can use the physdev module to identify the device.

For example, the following allows pings arriving on eth1 to be forwarded:

iptables -A FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-in eth1 -p icmp --icmp-type 
echo-request -j ACCEPT


Christopher Fowler wrote:
> I want to put a machine between my firewall and my desktop.  This
> machine will have a network interface and a USB network interface.  I
> want to bridge those interfaces as br0 and do a firewall on it.  This is
> for a proof of concept.  I'm used to using iptables and specifing the
> individual interfaces but how would I do that for eth0 and eth1 if in
> reality they become simply one interface as br0?

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