[ale] rsync incantation (gentoo)

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at comcast.net
Wed Jan 11 10:53:36 EST 2006

What's the right way to use rsync so I can make a local mirror that 
holds not just the portage tree but all that is Gentoo - .isos, portage 
snapshots, stage tarballs?

"rsync -avr distro.ibiblio.org::distros/gentoo/ /var/gentoo_rsync/", 
lifted right out of that server's MOTD example, fails saying "@ERROR: 
Unknown module 'distros'".

"rsync -avz rsync://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/gentoo/ 
gentoo_rsync" merely yields "@ERROR: Unknown module 'pub'", which 
indicates to me that it's not wanting a path but some kind of "module."

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