[ale] wiki recommendations?

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 3 10:30:29 EST 2006

I've gotten MoinMoin to work, after probably the same miserable experiences as yourself.  ;-)  What's holding you up with Moin?

-Jim P.

----- Original Message ----
From: Pete Hardie <pete.hardie at gmail.com>
To: ale at ale.org
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts <ale at ale.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 9:52:49 AM
Subject: [ale] wiki recommendations?


Happy New Year, etc, etc.

I've decided that my home network needs a wiki for various things, and
was trying to install MoinMoin with mod_python and Apache, but failed
miserably.  Any recommendations for a easier wiki to install with
Apache as the webserver?


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