[ale] X server dying

Danny Cox DCox at icc.net
Tue Aug 22 07:58:19 EDT 2006


On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 06:49 -0400, Jim Philips wrote:
> More Ubuntu fun. I upgraded some packages for X and now the X server 
> won't start at all. It seems to be dying with this message:
> NVIDIA X Driver  1.0-8762  Mon May 15 13:09:21 PDT 2006
> (II) NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs
> (EE) No devices detected.
> Fatal server error:
> no screens found
> What does this mean? Or how can I found out which update caused this? I 
> am still fairly new to apt-get (and already hating it).

	I was getting something like this myself with Fedora Core 5.  The X.org
folks moved some directories around, so that the NVIDIA installer
doesn't put the files in the correct spot anymore.  A couple of soft
links (ln -s) will fix it.  Try something like the following:

# nvidia_fixup.sh --- Xorg moved stuff around in their directory hierarchy
# and nvidia hasn't figured it out yet.
ln -s $OLD_DRIVERS/nvidia_drv.o $NEW_DRIVERS/nvidia_drv.o
ln -s $OLD_DRIVERS/nvidia_drv.so $NEW_DRIVERS/nvidia_drv.so

# make a backup
mv $NEW_EXTENSIONS/libglx.so $NEW_EXTENSIONS/libglx.so-old
ln -s $OLD_EXTENSIONS/libglx.so.1.0.* $NEW_EXTENSIONS/libglx.so

	Google will also point you in the proper direction

Daniel S. Cox
Internet Commerce Corporation

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