[ale] Cheap hosting with both shell and admin panel

Jim ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Thu Aug 17 07:53:24 EDT 2006

William Bagwell wrote:
> Have volunteered to run a very low bandwith search tool (Usenet 
> propagation, and low enough the originator got away with running it on a 
> home DSL service for several years.) I'm not even going to try going that 
> route, but also don't want to spend much either.
> Searched this list for the past few years and found some good leads, 
> unfortunately the best deals are now sold out. What I'm finding with the 
> remainder is either shell or panel with a huge jump in prices to have 
> both. Not quite "techie" enough to do it all from a shell, yet 99% 
> certain I'm not going to be able to admin it with just the panel. (Thanks 
> Rosehosting for a very nice demo of DirectAdmin!)
> Some examples of what I have found so far:
> unixshell.com			Completely sold out.
> rosehosting.com		Jumps from $6 per month shared hosting (panel) to $21 for
> 					a virtual server with both.
> tektonic.net			Sold out of lowest tier,($15) $21 for both.
> (Three more)			Very high prices or only offer one choice. 
> phpwebhosting.com seems to have the best current deal at $11 for both. Did 
> find an old warning to only use them for hobby stuff (which this is) and 
> stay far away from them for business stuff. Still true?
> So, what are *todays* good deals and recommendations?
I have a couple of sites hosted at http://amscomputer.com/  My sites 
have both cpanel and ssh access.  I don't know if they still offer ssh 
to new clients, but it's worth asking, if you need it. 

I've had excellent luck with them.  Support when I needed it was johnny 
on the spot and right on target.  I've never noticed an outage and when 
they do maintenance, they tell me in advance and it's almost always 
overnight and never for long. 


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