[ale] Niece's laptop

Dow Hurst Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Sat Aug 5 02:27:43 EDT 2006

I want to point out that my niece is 15.  She is very smart but also 
very moral in her beliefs, so she is someone you would trust to not 
search out pornography or foul stuff deliberately.  So, I'm really 
trying to satisfy my sister and brother-in-laws desires and not too 
worried about my niece.  So dansguardian is perfect to an extent for 
research and fun on the web.  There were even a couple of ale mails I 
couldn't get to while using the proxy.  Anyway, I do think that 
experience is something that should happen at an appropriate time in a 
person's life so curbing the filth is just good sense.  Innocence is 
priceless and never to be regained...

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