[ale] backup DHCP

Joe Steele joe at madewell.com
Tue Apr 11 19:43:30 EDT 2006

David Corbin wrote:
> I've had some recent problems with my home network situation.  I strive very 
> hard to keep it 'reliable' for my wife, as she depend on it for various 
> things.  Today, one problem that showed up was that she lost her network 
> connection.  This was because of dhcp 'problems'.
> It would be easy enough for me to run 2 DHCP servers, each with different 
> blocks of addresses.  But surely there is a way to run a "backup DHCP server" 
> that uses the same configuration.
> Any pointers?
I've never played with such a setup myself, but I remember reading about 
it once.  Take a look at "man dhcpd.conf", and find the heading DHCP 


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