[ale] Refill ink cartridge, go to jail!!

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Sep 5 20:48:17 EDT 2005

Brian Hartsfield wrote:
> What if I refill it 3 or 4 times and then send it back to Lexmark when I am 
> finished? I still sent it back.

I guess that would depend on how it was actually worded and how good an 
attorney you have. :)

> What is somebody is absent-minded (like myself) and simply forgets to send 
> the thing back? Have I now broken the law?

As laws go, in general, yes.  If you're driving down the road and you 
forget the speed limit is 45 and you're caught doing 65, you will get a 

> This whole "Prebate" thing just sounds like a bad idea.

I agree.

Until later, Geoffrey

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