[ale] Refill ink cartridge, go to jail!!

Marvin the Martian marvin.higginbottom at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 09:32:01 EDT 2005

Jeff Hubbs wrote:

>Even so, this is as crazy as it would be if the cops would actually come
>ofter you for pulling a tag off of a mattress "under penalty of law."
Nah, it's more like you sold the scrap-rights to your car when you 
purchased it, then didn't want to give it up when the contractual 
obligation came due...

Don't get me wrong, I loathe Lexmark- and would never, never, NEVER, 
purchase their products because of their DMCA-protected (for no reason 
other than to sqash competetion in the ink-cartrige aftermarket) 
cartriges.  In this case, however, the consumers stuck their own heads 
through the noose to save 30 bux on that intial purchase of a product 
from them.

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