[ale] How LDAP works with authentication

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Wed Oct 12 21:31:23 EDT 2005

> Why would you store the plain-text version? 

Oh.. lots of stupid reasons. It's easy. 
It lets tech suport read a person their password, 
or login as them to test things.. or.. 

I'm mostly an ISP kinda geek.. and the only one I've seen
yet that never had the password in plain text somewhere
was the one I ran for 10 years (and sold and still runs as itself),
We could only change a password if someone did not know it. 
I sometimes think it's one of the reasons that ISP is still around. 

Every other ISP I've been in seems to have them as plain text 
somewhere.. Including the one I'm helping rebuild now,
although we were missing (or out of sync) some and
recovered them by sniffing POP e-mail for a few days.

Hope to come to the next ALE NE and meet ya'll.. hadn't been to an 
ALE since the last ALE show years ago.. 

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