[ale] Seeking ways to getting around spyware on Windows

Alan Dobkin ALE at MaestroIT.com
Mon Oct 10 15:31:57 EDT 2005

On 10/10/2005 11:06 AM, Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> Especially in the case of the Linux firewall, I have a solid, non-opaque 
> choice (iptables) that I can interface with at a very explicit level.  
> Is there a Windows analogue (I ask because I honestly don't know; all I 
> know of are opaque choices)?

If you're asking if you can interface with the built-in Windows Firewall
using the command-line and scripts, then the answer is yes.  See the
NETSH command, specifically "netsh firewall".  I haven't used it very
much, but it seems quite powerful.  The interface is similar to Cisco
IOS if you are familiar with that.

BTW, a lot of people don't realize this, but most Windows functions have
command-line counterparts.  Often the command-line counterpart is more
powerful than the GUI, and in some cases there are features that can
only be accessed from the CLI.  The NET command has some good examples
of this.

Aside from the built-in command-line tools, there are many more tools
available in the "Support Tools" and "Resource Kit" packages.  Plus, if
you install the Cygwin environment, it makes Windows quite bearable and
just as functional as any Linux system.


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