[ale] Seeking ways to getting around spyware on Windows

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at comcast.net
Mon Oct 10 09:59:51 EDT 2005

>    1) Install Microsoft's AntiSpyware 
>       and SpyBot S&D (they compete AND complement each other).
>       Set both up to auto run/update/etc.  Use them often.
>    2) Setup Windows Firewall to deny all, and check the "Don't
>        allow exceptions" box.
The engineer and greybeard in me chafes at this.  If I need to take a 
measure to compensate for inherently defective software, why would I 
seek a solution from the people who created the software and made it 
defective in the first place? 

Are MS' AntiSpyware and Firewall software developed using the same 
methodology, priorities, and internal oversight as the operating system? 


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