[ale] Never mind my last message. Stupid me... Now looking for an app.

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Fri Oct 7 09:41:08 EDT 2005

OK, well I guess I'll keep using K3B.

Jeff Hubbs wrote:

>Gee, I hope not.  Those apps result in a non-portable, unsupportable 
>mess.  The simple fact is, it's *still* CD-burning but it's putting an 
>application layer between the CD contents and you, the user.
>What's really happening under the hood is that it's written autorun info 
>and multiple data tracks to the drive without fixating.  If you "delete" 
>from this magic "disk drive," the files never really go away; their 
>presence is simply marked as null somehow and a new track is started 
>when you write.  So, it's possible to run one of these "fake disk 
>drives" out of space even when, through the utility, there aren't any 
>files visible. 
>As far as I know, the CDs so created and the apps that create them are 
>not interchangeable, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong. 
>I think Jim Kinney and I both know of a place where that crap got used, 
>with tragic results.

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