[ale] Door-to-Door Linux?

snsaran at cc.gatech.edu snsaran at cc.gatech.edu
Sat May 28 03:20:27 EDT 2005


Have you ever tried setting up a small 2-3 person business that provides
door-to-door Linux installation and maintenance service where the box can
be brought back to business location for installation and maintenance?
Basically, we'll be doing this over the weekend. Customers can be
consulted based on experience and requirements. We think that it may help
many afford computers who cannot pay a lot for OS and Productivity
software licenses? It can also make cheap and/or old boxes usable?
Finally, it?ll be useful for starters who don?t have a clue but want to
use Linux?

Our plan is to pick few distributions and standardized set of software for
couple of different requirements. This way we can deliver efficient and
good quality service?

Any suggestions and/or experiences will be helpful. Also, what's the
potential for this service in Atlanta area?

Thank you for help,

Shakti Saran

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