[ale] Sunday 05-22-05 6PM RUN-AS-ROOT CHALLENGE

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Wed May 18 20:32:48 EDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 19:10 -0400, Michael B. Trausch wrote:
> You completely ignored the "if not root, software is harder to install
> and viruses which attack the OS are harder to catch and such things are
> harder to propegate".

I didn't completely ignore it, I just don't think it is relevant.  If a
virus can "attack" anything in /home/user that is already a much worse
situation.  If something "owns" /bin/ls I've already got worse problems.
The fact that the virus could make it to /home/user (where user UID=0 or
UID=10001) is the problem to solve, not saving the rest of the (already)
sinking ship at that point.

> This is also fact.

Yes, but not one that applies.

-Jim P.

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