[ale] Linux Distributions

Robert L. Harris Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net
Tue May 17 14:26:35 EDT 2005

Thus spake Jim Popovitch (jimpop at yahoo.com):

> What's the difference between "sudo mkfs /dev/hda8" and runing
> "mkfs /dev/hda8" as root?   

Nothing but what's the difference between running kazaa as jimpop and
kazaa as root any other lesser known app which might have a back door 
due to less scruitany?

The issue isn't (generally) the well known apps which have many
developers looking at it over a long time such as mkfs, ifconfig, ip,
etc but the other 3rd party apps with a less picked apart code.

Robert L. Harris                     | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
                                         @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu
      These are MY OPINIONS             With Dreams To Be A King,
       ALONE.  I speak for              First One Should Be A Man
       no-one else.                       - Manowar

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