[ale] Sleeping Beauty

Stephan Uphoff ups at tree.com
Tue May 17 13:57:34 EDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-05-17 at 13:20, Mills, John M. wrote:
> ALErs -
> I started a 'df' that hung, and now reports its state as follows:
> [jmm4450 at swlab01 jmm4450]$ ps 26609
> 26609 ?        D      0:00 df
> 'man ps' identifies 'D' as "uninteruptible sleep" and this sure seems to be
> the case: I've killed everything I can associate with this task, including
> the window server under which it was started, but ol' 26609 just hangs in
> there!
> Any way to kill this #$%@%^~~!!?


Did you mount (non-interruptible) from an NFS server that is currently
down ? ( Can you bring it up again to unmount? )

Did you try another df call?

There is always the shutdown option .....

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