[ale] Linux Distributions

ChangingLINKS.com groups at ChangingLINKS.com
Mon May 16 10:07:03 EDT 2005

Well, ironically, I have to say "Don't use Debian."

I use Debian now (on a daily basis) and I have run into four problems that no 
one seems to be able to solve. I have tried hiring people, taking the problem 
to local installfests, and posting the problem online.

The first question that is always asked is "What distro are you running?"
As soon as I answer, I seem to lose most of the support that I comes with the 
distros that you listed. I have considered Gentoo - BUT when I *started* down 
the Gentoo path the support eyes instantly glazed over - and I got nowhere.

I guess my point (which I'm not sure I had when I started posting) is that you 
shouldn't go to the distro that the most people beat their chest about - but 
rather stick to the ones where you'll get the most support when stuff goes 

BTW, if you haven't already, try Knoppix (even though it's based on Debian).
Wishing you Happiness, Joy, and Laughter,
Drew Brown

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