[ale] Looking for some leads/networking-MAC comments

Mark Wright mpwright at speedfactory.net
Tue May 3 09:26:51 EDT 2005

On May 3, 2005, at 4:21 AM, Dow Hurst wrote:

> Jerald,
> I'll find out if there are openings in the MosesCone Health System 
> here in Greensboro.  I have no idea right now, but can ask.  Sorry to 
> hear your losing sleep and are bored in an oppressive environment.  I 
> remember a SGI employee who taught me the Basic IRIX Admin say that it 
> doesn't take long to find out how a company's personality and quality 
> are going to be.  He was of the opinion that it really isn't worth the 
> personal cost to work in an oppressive environment, usually brought 
> about by personality quirks of those on high, unless you just really 
> needed the money.  Economics can dictate this stuff for a person, but 
> usually persistence will win out in finding something new.
> I'm glad to hear you like the Powerbook!  I think they are pretty sexy 
> too.  I don't have one but several users have passed thru bearing the 
> silver trophies making me quite jealous!  I wish Apple would open 
> source all the scripts and code that make up all the ease of use.  
> That would really put a dent in the Windows lusers right there!
Hi Dow,

I saw this on ARStech the other day.  The article is about bold 
innovation in Tiger as regards to cron.  Apple has ripped the 
scheduling monstrosity out of Unix and replaced it with something 
elegant they?call launchd and they are giving it back to the community.

I think what the OSS community does with a gem like this will be very 
telling about the future of Linux development.



> Can you imagine all the Linux laptops that would make use of that?  
> I've had some printer queue problems over the past month and my wife 
> asked me the other day if everything was hard on the computer because 
> we used Linux.  That pissed me off royally, as you can imagine!!  I 
> know that the printer is just going to sleep and not be used enough.  
> From her perspective, it doesn't matter that it isn't a "Linux" 
> problem but a stupid printer hardware problem that requires a "Linux" 
> solution on my part that I haven't worked out.  She just wants to 
> print what she wants printed and have it look like she expects.
> Dow

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